Saturday, July 31, 2010

Downtown Bowling Alley...

San Diego now has a bowling alley downtown, which is pretty cool! Our downtown used to be pretty seedy with crackheads and bums all over the place, but since Petco Park was built there is all kinds of stuff popping up that is undiscovered fun! I love to check out new places that I have never been, and this place is one of them. I think I am gonna go meet with some friends and try my hand at bowling, don't think I have done it in about 5 years or so and I'm sure there will be a bunch of gutter balls, and probably a couple that fly in the air and land like a bag of concrete (those are my specialty). Maybe I can ask for the kiddy gutter gates when it's my turn, they have those now for people who like to keep their dignity while bowling...

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